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Contributing to KilahUI

Thank you for considering contributing to KilahUI! Please follow the guidelines below to ensure a smooth process for everyone involved.

Getting Started

Fork the Repository

  1. Fork the repository by clicking the "Fork" button at the top right of the repo page.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine using:

Create a Branch

 git clone https://github.com/your-username/[repo-name].git

Create a new branch from the dev branch. The branch name should follow the format add/component:

 git switch -c add/[component] dev

Replace component with the specific name of the components you are working on.

Create a New Folder (If you are working on a full category)

  1. Inside the public/components directory, create a new folder named after your specific component. Use lowercase letters and hyphens to join words if the component name has more than one word:

 mkdir -p public/components/component-category

Replace component-category with the specific name of your component in lowercase and joined by hyphens if necessary.

Add Components (If you are only adding compoennts start here)

  1. Inside the folder you created in public/components/component-category, add an component-name.html file. This file will contain the HTML structure for your component.

  2. Start writing the HTML structure for your component within the component-name.html file. (Only the compoennt itself)

Update the index.json File

  1. Navigate to the /public/components/[category]/index.json file for the category you wish to update.

  2. Add a new element to the appropriate array or structure, following the existing schema for that category.


 { section: "cool-section" , // The section where this component belongs This will be a general way of group compoennts ex marketing, dashboard, general-ui
   title: "Cool Section",// The title of the section
   slug: "category", // The same name as the folder created in the previous step
   container: "Container Height", // The height of the playground container, e.g., "40rem"
   components: [
       title: "Subcomponent Title 1", // Title of the component
       fileName: "file-name-1", // The name of the file to be added
       tailwindConfig: {
          darkMode: "class",
          theme: {
             extend: {
                fontFamily: {
                   sans: ["Roboto Condensed"],
                   colors: {
                   background: "#ffffff",
                   foreground: "#d82116",
                   card: "#ffffff",
                   "card-foreground": "#d82116",
                   primary: "#846bce",
                   "primary-foreground": "#e9f1f9",
                   secondary: "#e0e9f5",
                   "secondary-foreground": "#2d3446",
                   accent: "#e0e9f5",
                   "accent-foreground": "#2d3446",
                   danger: "#e5193e",
                   "danger-foreground": "#e9f1f9",
                   border: "#d1dce8",
                   input: "#d1dce8",
// An object with the tailwind config used for the current component
// Add more components as needed

Open a PR

  1. When finish, commit your changes, open a PR to dev and wait for the merge confirmation.

Thanks for your contribution


We appreciate your help! If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out.
